image of Dr. Brownstein

"I am 83 years old. For the past several years, I have had off and on prostate problems.  Prescriptions had only temporary effect.  For the past year I have tried four or more natural products, none of which did much. I was getting up every two hours to go to the bathroom, all night long.  Three weeks ago I started taking the supplement Prostate Revive from the complimentary bottle received.  Now, three weeks later, I go only one time a night, at about 3 A.M. To say that I am delighted doesn't begin to express my gratitude.  Even if I have to take it for the rest of my life, I am blessed.  Imagine getting only four hours sleep a night, all in one hour bits!  Thank you, Medix Select  -You have a winner.”

~ Dwight W.
Cathedral City, CA